Got the assembly4_chromosomes.fa file from: sftp (password: beehive) cd assembly4_chromosomes (information provided by Brian Herb and Rafael Irizarry) Downloaded the file on March 5, 2008 9260 FASTA records: o 16 big records (> 7M and < 30M base pairs each) from line - to line Group1: 1 - 427631 Group2: 427632 - 657235 Group3: 657236 - 851830 Group4: 851831 - 1026927 Group5: 1026928 - 1234081 Group6: 1234082 - 1487498 Group7: 1487499 - 1671056 Group8: 1671057 - 1859475 Group9: 1859476 - 2017804 Group10: 2017805 - 2198414 Group11: 2198415 - 2405872 Group12: 2405873 - 2567431 Group13: 2567432 - 2714100 Group14: 2714101 - 2856625 Group15: 2856626 - 3001765 Group16: 3001766 - 3102808 o 9244 small records (>= 564 and <= 167350 base pairs each) GroupUn.1 to GroupUn.9244: 3102809 - bottom (line 3809863) Use the script to split assembly4_chromosomes.fa