Help! Contact!

Do you need help contacting us? Please read on and choose your favorite means of contact!

Web pages and image project

The web pages you are reading, and most of the current image generation, were written by Gunnar Wolf <>. I claim any errors and inaccuracies in the built images or the little documentation there is in . Of course, you can approach me with any issues, although am often quite time-stressed and may delay an answer.

The images’ build instructions and infrastructure are collectively maintained by the Debian Raspberry Pi Maintainers team.

General user support

Please keep in mind that our aim at creating these images is to give you a system as close as possible to a regular Debian install. We are probably not the best venue for general user support, choosing a desktop environment, discussing specific daemons and so on. For user support, please turn to the mailing list (subscription and information page).

For hardware support questions, probably the best contact is the mailing list (subscription and information page.

IRC hangout for the team

You can also find us for more a informal and relaxed environment on IRC (in the OFTC network), in the following channels: