.TH pkgadd 8 "October 1, 2002" "rltools #VERSION#" "" .SH NAME pkgadd \- install software package .SH SYNOPSIS \fBpkgadd [options] \fP .SH DESCRIPTION \fBpkgadd\fP is a \fIpackage management\fP utility, which installs a software package. A \fIpackage\fP is an archive of files (.pkg.tar.gz). .SH OPTIONS .TP .B "\-u, \-\-upgrade" Upgrade/replace package with the same name as . .TP .B "\-f, \-\-force" Force installation, overwrite conflicting files. If the package that is about to be installed contains files that are already installed this option will cause all those files to be overwritten. This option should be used with care, preferably not at all. .TP .B "\-r, \-\-root " Specify alternative installation root (default is "/"). This should \fInot\fP be used as a way to install software into e.g. /usr/local instead of /usr. Instead this should be used if you want to install a package on a temporary mounted partition, which is "owned" by another system. By using this option you not only specify where the software should be installed, but you also specify which package database to use. .TP .B "\-v, \-\-version" Print version and exit. .TP .B "\-h, \-\-help" Print help and exit. .SH CONFIGURATION When using \fBpkgadd\fP in upgrade mode (i.e. option -u is used) the file \fI/etc/pkgadd.conf\fP will be read. This file can contain rules describing how pkgadd should behave when doing upgrades. A rule is built out of three fragments, \fIevent\fP, \fIpattern\fP and \fIaction\fP. The event describes in what kind of situation this rule applies. Currently only one type of event is supported, that is \fBUPGRADE\fP. The pattern is a regular expression and the action applicable to the \fBUPGRADE\fP event is \fBYES\fP and \fBNO\fP. More than one rule of the same event type is allowed, in which case the first rule will have the lowest priority and the last rule will have the highest priority. Example: .nf UPGRADE ^etc/.*$ NO UPGRADE ^var/log/.*$ NO UPGRADE ^etc/X11/.*$ YES UPGRADE ^etc/X11/XF86Config$ NO .fi The above example will cause pkgadd to never upgrade anything in /etc/ or /var/log/ (subdirectories included), except files in /etc/X11/ (subdirectories included), unless it is the file /etc/X11/XF86Config. The default rule is to upgrade everything, rules in this file are exceptions to that rule. (NOTE! A \fIpattern\fP should never contain an initial "/" since you are referring to the files in the package, not the files on the disk.) If pkgadd finds that a specific file should not be upgraded it will install it under \fI/var/lib/pkg/rejected/\fP. The user is then free to examine/use/remove that file manually. .SH FILES .TP .B "/etc/pkgadd.conf" Configuration file. .SH SEE ALSO pkgrm(8), pkginfo(8), pkgmk(8) .SH AUTHOR .nf Per Liden http://www.fukt.bth.se/~per/ .fi