IRC-Co-Op Demo A couple of months ago there was an idea of doing a co-operation demo with all the demo freaks (+others who were interested) on IRC. The idea got a good response and a lot of people were willing to take part in it. Now we, Tibo and Shocker (the main organizers), have more time to spend on the demo (Well, me, Shocker, at least) and we (me?) made a letter for you. The meaning of this letter is to clarify things around the demo. We would appreciate any kind of responce,criticism,suggestions,anything, positive or negative, to this letter. Please address them to the addresses below (and to all the others who got this letter - I think everyone of us is interested in hearing YOUR opinion). This letter can be freely distributed to anyone who has interest in the demo. Now some facts about the forthcoming IRC-co-op demo in the FAQ style. (BOORING - s if you think you know what a demo is etc. I think you can skip it mostly -> jmp to question 3/4 :-) 1. What is the IRC-co-op demo ? The IRC-co-op demo will be a 'Euro'-demo style of a demo. It will be done by demo artists/game makers/others all around the world. The uniting thing between the creators is that they are all on IRC. The IRC-co-op demo will not be made under a label of any group, but the makers (and their groups) will be credited in the demo. (Hey - why don't we do it under the label 'Bananas?' -> pronounced 'Bananas questionmark' :-) 2. Why is the IRC-co-op demo ? We are making the IRC-co-op demo for the fun of it! Well.. There are other reasons too, like promoting internet and IRC. We would also like to show the scene that demo freaks are still able to co-operate with eachother to make quality productions. We are also trying to increase the friendship between the demo freaks on internet. Finally this will be the first demo involving so many people from so many different countries, maybe it will remain the only one and become an historical event in the amiga scene. 3. Who are involved in the IRC-co-op demo ? At the moment we are about 15 demo freaks who have been interested in taking part in the demo. This number will probably grow a bit as we're all the time seeking for new people to join in. Especially graphicians wanted! (Maybe we will send a message to alt.sys.amiga.demos about the matter). Some groups which have been interested in participating are: Complex, Cryptoburners Melon dezign, Phenomena, Spaceballs, etc. etc.. (Ask Tibo for a complete list of the persons involved - I don't really know!) Please assure your participation by responding to this letter. 4. How will the IRC-co-op demo be done ? Well.. This is the one I want all of you to comment.. Firstly.. Do we want to make only a good co-op-demo or do we want to make a major kick-ass production ? ('major kick-ass' ?! Hmm.. Hope I didn't run out of style here? : (But anyway, I think we really have the potential to do this with the 15+n guys co-operating.) And another question: Do we want to do it as a one part demo or a trackdisk demo or something else ? This is the way I think the demo will be done (if you have better suggestions, PLEASE mail them to us!): Firstly you should mail us a little description of what you are willing to do for the demo, maybe send us a little preview too. After receiving enough mail we will do somekind of plan/plot/design/... for the demo, and send it to you. After that you can send your hate mail to us saying 'Your ideas suck, I want to do it this way'.. So.. We'll edit our plan and after a while I think we will have quite a good one. Then we will get the parts done, collect them, put them together, probably send you a preview, chat about the preview, fix things in it, if needed, make the final design, put the final touch in it, test it&make it work on all the possible configurations, etc.. Just some words about the 'release date'. It would be silly to think things would get ready before the summer and i guess we all have something better to do than spending summer vacations in front of our computers. So obviously we'll use this little time to get things started (knowing who does what and make a preversion of the plan/design... Anyway it seems to Shocker will have access to INTERNET most of the time, so i'll still be able to reach him. I also think it would be great, if we could hold a couple of conferences on IRC. I think it would make the things more clear to all of us. Maybe it would make things easier to run a bot in a dedicated channel that would deliver information to anybody that wants some. Tell us what you think about it. 5. How can YOU take part in the IRC-co-op demo ? If you are a talented coder/graphician/musician/designer/something_else you can mail the organizers about your interest in taking part in this demo (Email addresses found below). You don't have to be the best, good is enough. We would also like to get in contact with people who could distribute the demo around when it gets finished. PS. If you know any other demo freaks on internet who could be interested in taking part, give us their e-mail addresses or ask them to mail us. PSS. Anything else you want to know ? Just mail us. Yours, the IRC-co-op demo organizers, Shocker/Accession ( (, Shocker on IRC Tibo/Zenith (, Tibo on IRC