PKCS #11 v2.11 Changes

Included in Draft 1


ü      Deprecate secondary authentication

ü      Add appendix to use the iD2 multiple slot method as informative [Magnus; included]

ü      Add note about write-protect flag changing with login to allow public objects to be read-only without login

ü      PIN expiration

ü      If PIN expires, CKF_USER_PIN_TO_BE_CHANGED is set, allow login and all functions that require login return CKR_PIN_EXPIRED until C_SetPIN is called. C_Login will never return CKR_PIN_EXPIRED.

ü      Allow C_SetPIN to work without login (always changes user PIN)

ü      Trusted objects (keys, certs) CKA_TRUSTED; never settable by caller, must be set by initialization; settable by SO during C_CreateObject (open for discussion)?

ü      Misc. typo fixes.


ü      AES mechanisms, RIJNDAEL, CKM_AES w/modes (variable block size 16, 24, 32; variable key length 128, 192, 256)

ü      X9.31 RSA w/related combos


Included in Draft 2


ü      Updated references

ü      Many misc. typo fixes.


ü      X9.31 RSA key pair generation

ü      ECC X9.62-3 mechanisms [Francois]

ü      X9.42 mechanisms [Francois]

ü      Parameter generation and validation. New explicit objects and mechanisms. [Simon]

ü      AES mechanism; updated w/o variable block size


Included in Draft 3


ü      Updated references

ü      Key generation mechanism attribute

ü      Renaming ‘key parameters’ to ‘domain parameters’ to be consistent with published mechanism specifications.

ü      Many misc. typo fixes


ü      TLS mechanisms

ü      Modifications to DH, X9.42, and EC key derivation attribute handling

ü      X9.42 domain parameter generation


Not Included in Draft 3


·        SHA-256, -384, -512 and related combos

o       Deferred: Draft specification not scheduled until ‘Q2 FY01

·        RSA PKCS #1 PSS & multi-prime [Burt]

·        IPSEC transforms