MacGS-510 To use MacGS, you must download an executable, the fonts archive, and the files archive. Additionally, the application MacGS must reside in the same folder (i.e., along side) the folders containing "fonts" and "files". Make sure to download the macgs-5xx-fonts.sit.bin archive. The xx refers to the particular release (currently 510). You only need to download the fonts once, as they are the same for all 5.xx releases of Aladdin Ghostscript. That is, if you upgrade to a newer version of MacGS, you do not need to re-download the fonts. After decompressing the fonts, place the fonts folder "fonts" into the folder containing the MacGS application. Make sure that your fonts folder contains fonts, and not a sub-folder. You must download one of the following: And both of the archives: If you wish to build MacGS yourself, you must download all of the required source archives for the version of Aladdin Ghostscript along with the mac specific sources. The mac specific sources are available via anonymous ftp at (instructions are included): Comments and suggestions are to be sent to