Index index by Group index by Distribution index by Vendor index by creation date index by Name

RPM of Distribution SOT Linux 2002 Desktop

alchemist-1.0.18-2.i386 A multi-sourced configuration back-end. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
associate-0.2-5.noarchNew Association and disassociation tools for mime types SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
at-3.1.8-2.i386 Job spooling tools. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
audiofile-0.2.2-1.i386 A library for accessing various audio file formats. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
aumix-2.7-6.i386 An ncurses-based audio mixer. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
authconfig-4.0.27-3.i386 Text-mode tool for setting up NIS and shadow passwords. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
autoconf-2.13-16.noarch A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
automake-1.4-9.noarch A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
awesfx-0.4.4-3.i386 Utility programs for the AWE32 sound driver SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
basesystem-7.0-5.noarch The skeleton package which defines a simple Best Linux system. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
bash-2.05-9.i386 The GNU Bourne Again shell (bash) version 2.05. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
bbclient-18c-1.i386 The Big Brother Systems and Network Monitor SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
bc-1.06-5.i386 GNU's bc (a numeric processing language) and dc (a calculator). SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
bdflush-1.6.2-5.i386 System Cache flusher SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
binutils-2.11.2-2.i386New GNU Binary Utility Development Utilities SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
bison-1.28-7.i386 A GNU general-purpose parser generator. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
blc-2.2a-1.i386New SOT Linux Configurator SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
bzip2-1.0.1-7.i386 A file compression utility. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
bzip2-devel-1.0.1-7.i386 Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use bzip2. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
cdrecord-1.11-2.i386 A command line CD/DVD recording program. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
chkconfig-1.2.22-7.i386 A system tool for maintaining the /etc/rc*.d hierarchy. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
chkfontpath-1.9.5-3.i386 Simple interface for editing the font path for the X font server. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
cmpskit-3-6.noarch PostScript type1 fonts: CMPS fonts and AMSPS fonts SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
compat-glibc-6.2-1.i386 GNU libc for Best Linux 2001 backwards compatibility SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
console-tools-19990829-38.i386 Tools for configuring the console. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
cpio-2.4.2-24.i386 A GNU archiving program. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
cpp-3.0.1-7.i386 The C Preprocessor. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
cracklib-2.7-10.i386 A password-checking library. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
cracklib-dicts-2.7-10.i386 The standard CrackLib dictionaries. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
crontabs-1.9-3.noarch Root crontab files used to schedule the execution of programs. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
curl-ssl-7.9-2.i386 get a file from a FTP, GOPHER or HTTP server. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
cyrus-sasl-1.5.24-21.i386 The Cyrus SASL library. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
db1-1.85-3.i386 The BSD database library for C (version 1). SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
db2-2.4.14-6.i386 The BSD database library for C (version 2). SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
db3-3.1.17-4.i386 The Berkeley DB database library for C. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
dev-3.2-13.i386 The most commonly-used entries in the /dev directory. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
dev86-0.16.0-1.i386 A real mode 80x86 assembler and linker. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
dhcp-client-3.0-0.rc12.5.i386 The ISC DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) client. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
dhcp-common-3.0-0.rc12.5.i386 The ISC DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
dhcp-relay-3.0-0.rc12.5.i386 The ISC DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) relay. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
dialog-0.9a-6.i386 A utility for creating TTY dialog boxes. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
diffutils-2.7-25.i386 A GNU collection of diff utilities. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
dosfstools-2.7-2.i386 Utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems on Linux. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
e2fsprogs-1.21-1.i386 Utilities for managing the second extended (ext2) filesystem. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
efax-0.9-10.i386 A program for faxing using a Class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
eject-2.0.2-6.i386 A program that ejects removable media using software control. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
elm-2.5.5-6.i386 The elm mail user agent. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
emacs-20.7-44.i386 GNU Emacs text editor. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
esound-0.2.22-6.i386 Allows several audio streams to play on a single audio device. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
expat-1.95.1-8.i386 A library for parsing XML. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
ext2ed-0.1-27.i386 An ext2 filesystem editor. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
fetchmail-5.9.0-3.i386 A remote mail retrieval and forwarding utility. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
file-3.35-2.i386 A utility for determining file types. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
filesystem-2.1.5-7.noarch The basic directory layout for a Linux system. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
fileutils-4.1-7.i386 The GNU versions of common file management utilities. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
findutils-4.1.7-2.i386 The GNU versions of find utilities (find and xargs). SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
finger-0.17-12.i386 The finger client. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
flex-2.5.4a-14.i386 A tool for creating scanners (text pattern recognizers). SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
fnlib-0.5-10.i386 Color font rendering library for X11R6. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
foomatic-1.1-0.20011018.8.i386 Foomatic printer database. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
freefonts-0.10-17.noarch Collection of Free ATM Fonts and free versions of standard PostScript fonts. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
freetype-2.0.3-7.i386 A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
freetype-utils-2.0.3-7.i386 A collection of FreeType utilities. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
ftp-0.17-14.i386 The standard UNIX FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gawk-3.1.0-2.i386 The GNU version of the awk text processing utility. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gcc-3.0.1-8.i386New Various compilers (C, C++, Objective-C, Java, ...) SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gcc-c++-3.0.1-8.i386New C++ support for gcc SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gd-1.8.4-5.i386 A graphics library for drawing image files in various formats. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gdb-5.0-14.i386 A GNU source-level debugger for C, C++ and Fortran. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gdbm-1.8.0-10.i386 A GNU set of database routines which use extensible hashing. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gdk-pixbuf-0.11.0-9.i386 An image loading library used with GNOME. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gettext-0.10.39-1.i386 GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
getty_ps-2.0.7j-17.i386 The getty and uugetty programs. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
ghostscript-6.51-12.i386New PostScript interpreter and renderer, all printer drivers SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
ghostscript-utils-6.51-12.i386New Additional tools for configuring printers SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gimp-1.2.1-9.i386 The GNU Image Manipulation Program SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
glib-1.2.10-6.i386 A library of handy utility functions. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
glib10-1.0.6-11.i386 A library of handy utility functions. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
glibc-2.2.3-20.i386 The GNU libc libraries. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
glibc-common-2.2.3-20.i386 Common binaries and locale data for glibc. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
glibc-devel-2.2.3-20.i386 Header and object files for development using standard C libraries. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gmp-3.1.1-6.i386 A GNU arbitrary precision library. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gnome-libs-1.2.13-14.i386 The main GNOME libraries. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gpm-1.19.3-20.i386 A mouse server for the Linux console. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gq-0.4.0-4.i386 A graphical LDAP directory browser and editor. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
grep-2.4.2-6.i386 The GNU versions of grep pattern matching utilities. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
groff-1.17.2-4.i386 A document formatting system. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
grub-0.90-9.i386 GRUB - the Grand Unified Boot Loader. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gtk+-1.2.10-10.i386 The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIs for X. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gtk+10-1.0.6-11.i386 The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIs for X. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
gzip-1.3-10.i386 The GNU data compression program. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
hdparm-4.1-2.i386 A utility for displaying and/or setting hard disk parameters. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
hotplug-2001_09_19-5.i386 Linux Hotplug Scripts SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
htmlview-1.2.0-2.noarch A script which calls an installed HTML viewer. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
imlib-1.9.10-3.i386 An image loading and rendering library for X11R6. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
indent-2.2.6-4.i386 A GNU program for formatting C code. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
initscripts-6.02-8.i386 The inittab file and the /etc/init.d scripts. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
iproute-2.2.4-14.i386 Enhanced IP routing and network devices configuration tools SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
iptables-1.2.2-5.i386 Tools for managing Linux kernel packet filtering capabilities. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
ipxutils- Tools for configuring and debugging IPX interfaces and networks. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
isapnptools-1.26-4.i386 Utilities for configuring ISA Plug-and-Play (PnP) devices SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
isdn4k-utils-3.1-53.i386 Utilities for configuring an ISDN subsystem. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
ispell-3.2.06-2.i386 The GNU interactive spelling checker program SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
kbdconfig-1.9.13-3.i386 A text-based interface for setting and loading a keyboard map. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
kde-2.2-14.i386New KDE 2.2 in one package. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
kde-desk-2.2-1.i386 Merged kdegames kdeaddons kdegraphics kdeartwork kdemultimedia to one package SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
kde-desk-menu-2.2-1.noarch Menu of kde packages 2.2 in one package. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
kdemenu-2.2-19.noarchNew Menu and config of KDE 2.2 in one package. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
kernel-desktop-2.4.12-41.i386New The Linux kernel compiled for desktop machines (kernel-headers). SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
kernel-pcmcia-cs-3.1.28-6.i386 The daemon and device drivers for using PCMCIA adapters. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
kgrub-0.2.6-7.i386 Manage GRUB bootloader files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
krb5-workstation-1.2.2-14.i386 Kerberos 5 programs for use on workstations. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
kudzu-0.99.12-4.i386New The SOT Linux hardware probing tool and development files needed for hardware probing using kudzu. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
kvirc-2.1.1-3.i386 Visual IRC client SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM Shared library configuration tool and old dynamic loader SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
less-358-17.i386 A text file browser similar to more, but better. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
lesstif-0.92.32-7.i386 An OSF/Motif(R) clone. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libao-0.7.0-3.i386 Cross Platform Audio Output Library SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libc-5.4.46-6.i386 The compatibility libraries needed by old applications. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libcap-1.10-6.i386 Library for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libgcc-3.0.1-7.i386 Shared gcc library SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libglade-0.16-3.i386 The libglade library for loading user interfaces SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libjpeg-6b-17.i386 A library for manipulating JPEG image format files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libjpeg-devel-6b-17.i386 Development tools for programs which will use the libjpeg library. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libmng-1.0.2-3.i386 A library which supports MNG graphics. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libpng-1.0.12-4.i386 A library of functions for manipulating PNG image format files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libsafe-2.0-4.i386 Stack Overflow protection SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libsane1-1.0.5-3.i386 SANE - local and remote scanner access. This package contains the sane library. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libstdc++-3.0.1-7.i386 GNU c++ library SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libstdc++-compat-3.0.1-7.i386 GNU old c++ library SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libstdc++-devel-3.0.1-7.i386 Header files and libraries for C++ development SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libtermcap-2.0.8-30.i386 A basic system library for accessing the termcap database. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libtiff-3.5.5-13.i386 A library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libtiff-devel-3.5.5-13.i386 Development tools for programs which will use the libtiff library. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libtool-1.4-2.i386 The GNU libtool, which simplifies the use of shared libraries. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libungif-4.1.0-10.i386 A library for manipulating GIF format image files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libungif-devel-4.1.0-10.i386 Development tools for programs which will use the libungif library. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libunicode-0.7-1.i386 A unicode manipulation library SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libwmf-0.1.21-4.i386 A library to convert wmf files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libxml-1.8.10-3.i386 An XML library. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libxml2-2.4.1-3.i386 Library providing XML and HTML support SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
libxslt-1.0.1-5.i386 Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
licq-1.0.3-10.i386 An ICQ clone for online messaging. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
lilo-22.1-1.i386 The boot loader for Linux and other operating systems. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
LinPopUp-1.2.0-1.i386 Linux enhanced port of WinPopUp. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
linux-ntfs-1.2.1-2.i386 NTFS filesystem libraries and utilities SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
linuxconf-1.25r7-5.i386 A system configuration tool. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
lm_sensors-2.5.5-7.i386 Hardware monitoring tools. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
locale_config-0.3-3.i386New Locale configuration SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
lockdev-1.0.0-12.i386 A library for locking devices. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
logrotate-3.5.2-5.i386 Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
LPRng-3.7.4-30.i386 The LPRng print spooler. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
lsb-release-1.4-10.noarchNew Linux Standard Base tools SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
lsbdev-1.0.4-4.i386 LSB Build environment SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
lslk-1.28-2.i386 A lock file lister. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
ltrace-0.3.10-9.i386 Tracks runtime library calls from dynamically linked executables. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
m4-1.4-14.i386 The GNU macro processor. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mailx-8.1.1-21.i386 The /bin/mail program for sending e-mail messages. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
make-3.79.1-7.i386 A GNU tool which simplifies the build process for users. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
MAKEDEV-3.2-13.i386 A program used for creating the device files in /dev. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
man-pages-1.39-3.noarch Man (manual) pages from the Linux Documentation Project. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
man-1.5i-10.i386 A set of documentation tools: man, apropos and whatis. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mc-4.5.54-5.i386 A user-friendly file manager and visual shell. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
metamail-2.7-28.i386 A program for handling multimedia mail using the mailcap file. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mgetty-1.1.26-7.i386 A getty replacement for use with data and fax modems. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mikmod-3.1.6-14.i386 A MOD music file player. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mingetty-0.9.4-16.i386 A compact getty program for virtual consoles only. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mkbootdisk-1.2.8-7.i386 Creates an initial ramdisk image for preloading modules. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mkinitrd-3.0.10-3.i386 Creates an initial ramdisk image for preloading modules. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mktemp-1.5-12.i386 A small utility for safely making /tmp files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mkxauth-1.7-16.noarch A utility for managing .Xauthority files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mm-1.1.3-8.i386 Shared Memory Abstraction Library SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
modutils-2.4.10-3.i386 Module utilities SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mouseconfig-4.22-5.i386 The SOT Linux mouse configuration tool. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mozilla-0.9.7-2.i386 Web browser and mail reader SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mpage-2.5.1-8.i386 A tool for printing multiple pages of text on each printed page. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mtools-3.9.8-2.i386 mtools, read/write/list/format DOS disks under Unix SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
mtr-0.44-2.i386 Ping/Traceroute network diagnostic tool SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
ncompress-4.2.4-23.i386 Fast compression and decompression utilities. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
ncurses-5.2-10.i386 A CRT screen handling and optimization package. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
net-tools-1.60-3.i386 The basic tools for setting up networking. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
netkit-base-2.3.3-6.i386 The ping and xinetd networking programs. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
netpbm-9.14-3.i386 A library for handling different graphics file formats. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
netpbm-devel-9.14-3.i386 Development tools for programs which will use the netpbm libraries. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
newt-0.50.34-2.i386 A development library for text mode user interfaces. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
nfs-utils-0.3.1-13.i386 NFS utlilities and supporting daemons for the kernel NFS server. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
nscd-2.2.3-20.i386 A Name Service Caching Daemon (nscd). SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
open-1.4-13.i386 A tool which will start a program on a virtual console. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
openldap-2.0.11-14.i386 The configuration files, libraries, and documentation for OpenLDAP. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
openldap-clients-2.0.11-14.i386 Client programs for OpenLDAP. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
openssh-3.1p1-4.i386 The OpenSSH implementation of SSH. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
openssh-askpass-3.1p1-4.i386 A passphrase dialog for OpenSSH and X. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
openssh-clients-3.1p1-4.i386 OpenSSH clients. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
openssl-0.9.6b-4.i386 OpenSSL Toolkit libraries for the "Secure Sockets Layer" (SSL v2/v3) SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
ORBit-0.5.8-5.i386 A high-performance CORBA Object Request Broker. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
pam-0.75-8.i386 A security tool which provides authentication for applications. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
parted-1.4.18-1.i386 The GNU disk partition manipulation program. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
patch-2.5.4-11.i386 The GNU patch command, for modifying/upgrading files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
pciutils-2.1.8-24.i386 Linux PCI utilities. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
pcre-3.4-3.i386 Perl-compatible regular expression library SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-DateManip-5.39-6.noarch DateManip module for perl SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-5.6.1-3.i386 The Perl programming language. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-libnet-1.0703-7.noarch Libnet module for perl (Networking_Devices_IPC/Net) SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-URI-1.12-6.noarch URI module for perl (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI/URI) SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-Storable-0.6.11-7.i386 Storable module for perl SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-HTML-Parser-3.25-3.i386 HTML-Parser module for perl (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI/HTML) SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-HTML-Tagset-3.03-4.i386 This module contains data tables useful in dealing with HTML. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-libwww-perl-5.53-4.noarch Libwww-perl module for perl SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-libxml-enno-1.02-6.noarch libxml-enno module for perl SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-libxml-perl-0.07-6.noarch libxml-perl module for perl SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-MIME-Base64-2.12-7.i386 Perl module for MIME encoding/decoding (base64 and quoted-printable) SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-Parse-Yapp-1.04-4.noarch Parse-Yapp module for perl SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-XML-Parser-2.30-9.i386 A perl module for parsing XML documents SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-XML-Twig-2.02-3.noarch XML-Twig module for perl SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-XML-Encoding-1.01-3.noarch XML-Encoding module for perl SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-XML-Grove-0.46alpha-4.noarch XML-Grove module for perl SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
perl-XML-Dumper-0.4-6.noarch Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
pgp-2.6.3i-13.i386 Pretty Good Privacy encryption system (international version) SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
pico-4.33-1.i386 Small, easy to use editor. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
pidentd-3.0.12-10.i386 An implementation of the RFC1413 identification server. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
pine-4.33-1.i386 A commonly used, MIME compliant mail and news reader. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
playmidi-2.4-15.i386 A MIDI sound file player. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
plugger-3.3-5.i386 A generic netscape plug-in, this version also supports Mozilla SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
pnm2ppa-1.04-3.i386 Drivers for printing to HP PPA printers. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
portmap-4.0-31.i386 A program which manages RPC connections. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
ppp-2.4.1-2.i386 The PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) daemon. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
pptp-client-1.0.2-7.i386 PPTP-linux VPN client SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
printconf-0.3.52-3.i386New A printer configuration backend/frontend combination. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
printconf-gui-0.3.52-3.i386New A GUI frontend for printconf. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
procmail-3.21-2.i386 The procmail mail processing program. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
procps-2.0.7-12.i386 Utilities for monitoring your system and processes on your system. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
psmisc-20.1-3.i386 Utilities for managing processes on your system. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
pspell-0.12.2-5.i386 Portable Spell Checker Interface Library. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
psutils-1.17-14.i386 PostScript Utilities SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
pwdb-0.61.1-5.i386 The password database library. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
pygnome-1.4.1-4.i386 Python bindings for the GNOME libraries. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
pygtk-0.6.8-4.i386 Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
python-2.2-2.i386New An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
PyXML-0.6.6-2.i386 XML libraries for python. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
qt-2.3.1-5.i386 The shared library for the Qt GUI toolkit. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
qt1x-1.45-18.i386 A backward compatible library for apps linked to Qt 1.x. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
qt1x-devel-1.45-18.i386 Qt 1.x development files for legacy applications. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
readline-4.2-3.i386 A library for editing typed in command lines. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
reiserfs-utils-3.6.25-6.i386 The utilities to create Reiserfs volume. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
routed-0.17-9.i386 The routing daemon which maintains routing tables. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
rp-pppoe-3.3-2.i386 PPP Over Ethernet (xDSL support) SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
rpm-4.0.2-7.i386 The RPM package management system. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
rsh-0.17-7.i386 Clients for remote access commands (rsh, rlogin, rcp). SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
rsync-2.4.6-7.i386New A program for synchronizing files over a network. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
samba-2.2.1a-5.i386 The Samba SMB server. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
samba-client-2.2.1a-5.i386 Samba (SMB) client programs. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
samba-common-2.2.1a-5.i386 Files used by both Samba servers and clients. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
sane-1.0.5-3.i386 SANE - local and remote scanner access. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
sane-backends-1.0.5-3.i386 SANE - local and remote scanner access. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
SDL-1.2.2-4.i386 A cross-platform multimedia library. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
SDL_mixer-1.2.0-3.i386 Simple DirectMedia Layer - Sample Mixer Library SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
sed-3.02-10.i386 A GNU stream text editor. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
sendmail-8.11.6-2.i386 A widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA), documentation and files needed to reconfigure Sendmail. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
setup-2.5.4-2.noarch A set of system configuration and setup files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
setuptool-1.7-5.i386New A text mode system configuration tool. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
sfio-1999.0.0-6.i386 A Safe/Fast I/O Library SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
sh-utils-2.0.11-4.i386 A set of GNU utilities commonly used in shell scripts. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
shadow-utils-20000902-11.i386 Utilities for managing shadow password files and user/group accounts. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
sharutils-4.2.1-11.i386 The GNU shar utilities for packaging and unpackaging shell archives. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
slang-1.4.2-6.i386 shared library for C like extension language SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
slocate-2.6-2.i386 Finds files on a system via a central database. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
smpeg-0.4.4-2.i386 SDL MPEG Library SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
sndconfig-0.65.1-11.i386 The Best Linux sound configuration tool. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
sox-12.17.1-6.i386 A general purpose sound file conversion tool. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
sudo-1.6.4-1.i386 Allows command execution as root for specified users. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
sysklogd-1.4-10.i386 System logging and kernel message trapping daemons. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
sysreport-1.2-2.noarch Gathers system hardware and configuration information. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
SysVinit-2.78-22.i386 Programs which control basic system processes. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
tar-1.13.19-6.i386 A GNU file archiving program. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
tcltk-8.3.3-67.i386 A Tcl/Tk development environment: tcl, tk, tix, tclX, expect, and itcl. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
tcp_wrappers-7.6-18.i386 A security tool which acts as a wrapper for TCP daemons. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
tcsh-6.10-6.i386 An enhanced version of csh, the C shell. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
telnet-0.17-14.i386 The client program for the telnet remote login protocol. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
termcap-11.0.1-8.noarch The terminal feature database used by certain applications. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
texinfo-4.0-22.i386 Tools needed to create Texinfo format documentation files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
textutils-2.0g-2.i386 A set of GNU text file modifying utilities. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
time-1.7-15.i386 A GNU utility for monitoring a program's use of system resources. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
timeconfig-3.2-3.i386 Text mode tools for setting system time parameters. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
traceroute-1.4.12-3.i386 Traces the route taken by packets over a TCP/IP network. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
tree-1.3-7.i386 A utility which displays a tree view of the contents of directories. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
ucd-snmp-4.2.3-1.i386 A collection of SNMP protocol tools from UC-Davis. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
unarj-2.43-10.i386 An uncompressor for .arj format archive files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
unixODBC-2.0.8-3.i386 A complete ODBC Driver Manager for Linux SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
unzip-5.42-2.i386 A utility for unpacking zip files. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
up2date-0.2-12.i386New A utility to keep your system up2date. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
usermode-1.42-5.i386New Graphical tools for certain user account management tasks. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
utempter-0.5.2-5.i386 A privileged helper for utmp/wtmp updates. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
util-linux-2.11l-4.i386 A collection of basic system utilities. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
vixie-cron-3.0.1-64.i386 The Vixie cron daemon for executing specified programs at set times. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
vlock-1.3-11.i386 A program which locks one or more virtual consoles. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
vorbis-1.0rc1-6.i386 The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
which-2.12-5.i386 Displays where a particular program in your path is located SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
wmconfig-0.9.10-6.i386 A helper application for configuring X window managers. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
words-2-17.noarch A dictionary of English words for the /usr/dict directory. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
wvdial-1.42-2.i386 A heuristic autodialer for PPP connections SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
Xaw3d-1.5-11.i386 A version of the MIT Athena widget set for X. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
xcdroast-0.98a9-5.i386 An X Window System based tool for creating CDs. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
Xconfigurator-4.9.34-5.i386New The Best Linux configuration tool for the X Window System. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
XFree86-4.1.0-4.i386 X Window System version 11 release 6.4 including basic components. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
XFree86-devel-4.1.0-4.i386 X11R6 toolkit for developers. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
XFree86-100dpi-fonts-4.1.0-4.i386 A set of 100dpi resolution fonts for the X Window System. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
XFree86-75dpi-fonts-4.1.0-4.i386 A set of 75dpi resolution fonts for the X Window System. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
XFree86-cyrillic-fonts-4.1.0-4.i386 Cyrillic fonts for X. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
XFree86-ISO8859-15-100dpi-fonts-4.1.0-4.i386 ISO8859-15-100dpi-fonts SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
XFree86-ISO8859-15-75dpi-fonts-4.1.0-4.i386 ISO8859-15-75dpi-fonts SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
XFree86-ISO8859-2-100dpi-fonts-4.1.0-4.i386 A set of 100dpi Central European language fonts for X. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
XFree86-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts-4.1.0-4.i386 A set of 75dpi Central European language fonts for X. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
XFree86-ISO8859-9-100dpi-fonts-4.1.0-4.i386 ISO8859-9-100dpi-fonts SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
XFree86-ISO8859-9-75dpi-fonts-4.1.0-4.i386 ISO8859-9-75dpi-fonts SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
xinitrc-3.18-3.noarch The default startup script for the X Window System. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
xmms-1.2.5-9.i386 An MP3 player for X which resembles Winamp. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
zip-2.3-9.i386 A file compression and packaging utility compatible with PKZIP. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM
zlib-1.1.3-27.i386 The zlib compression and decompression library. SOT Linux 2002 Desktop CD-ROM

Generated by rpm2html 1.7

SOT Linux team, Mon Apr 8 07:47:49 2002