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Dial-up Connection

If you use a modem to connect to the Internet, you'll need to complete these screens.

Configuring a modem

First of all, you'll be asked to provide your modem details (see Figure 1.15).

Figure 1.15: Configuring your modem

If the installer detects your modem, this information will have been completed automatically, and you can proceed to the next stage. Otherwise enter the relevant details:

Once your modem is set up, clicking the > button will allow you to enter your ISP (Internet Service Provider) details (see Figure 1.16).

Figure 1.16: Configuring your ISP

If you don't have an ISP yet, leave the USE DIAL-UP NETWORKING box unchecked, and continue with the installation. Otherwise check the USE DIAL-UP NETWORKING button. A list of major ISPs is provided, organized geographically. Click on the name of your country, then select your home city. Finally, choose from the ISPs listed. If you would like to review the information that will be used to connect to your ISP, click on the DETAILS button.

If your ISP is not listed, you will have to enter its details manually. Select "User defined" at the bottom of the country list and click the DETAILS button. You will need to enter:

Once you've entered your ISP details, click OK to go back to the main ISP configuration screen.

At the bottom of the screen you'll see a check box marked SAVE AUTHENTICATION INFORMATION. If you leave this box unchecked, you'll be prompted to enter your login and password each time you try to connect to your ISP. For more convenient access to the Internet, you can check this box and enter the information in the text boxes provided. Doing so instructs the installer to store your login and password, and to use them automatically whenever you need to connect to the Internet.

Know this! If you choose to store your Internet login and password, anyone with access to your computer can dial up an Internet connection from it. If you share your computer with others, and don't want them using your Internet account, you should leave this feature unselected.

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