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Class orion.commandregistry.ParameterCollector

Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201404012230/bundles/org.eclipse.orion.client.ui/web/orion/commandRegistry.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Interface for a parameter collector.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Closes any active parameter collectors.
Collect parameters for the given command.
getFillFunction(the, closeFunction)
Returns a function that can be used to fill a specified parent node with parameter information.
open(commandNode, fillFunction, onClose)
Open a parameter collector and return the dom node where parameter information should be inserted.
Class Detail
Interface for a parameter collector.
Method Detail
Closes any active parameter collectors.

{Boolean} collectParameters(commandInvocation)
Collect parameters for the given command.
{orion.commands.CommandInvocation} commandInvocation
The command invocation
{Boolean} Whether or not required parameters were collected.

{Function} getFillFunction(the, closeFunction)
Returns a function that can be used to fill a specified parent node with parameter information.
{orion.commands.CommandInvocation} the
command invocation used when gathering parameters
{Function} closeFunction
an optional function called when the area must be closed.
{Function} a function that can fill the specified dom node with parameter collection behavior

{Boolean} open(commandNode, fillFunction, onClose)
Open a parameter collector and return the dom node where parameter information should be inserted.
{String|DOMElement} commandNode
the node containing the triggering command
{Function} fillFunction
a function that will fill the parameter area
{Function} onClose
a function that will be called when the parameter area is closed
{Boolean} Whether the node is open.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Tue Apr 01 2014 22:58:22 GMT-0400 (EDT)