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Class orion.textview.OverviewRuler

Extends orion.textview.Ruler.
This objects implements an overview ruler.


Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201301232230/plugins/org.eclipse.orion.client.editor/web/orion/textview/rulers.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
orion.textview.OverviewRuler(annotationModel, rulerLocation, rulerStyle)
Constructs a new overview ruler.
Methods borrowed from class orion.textview.Ruler:
addAnnotationType, getAnnotationModel, getAnnotations, getAnnotationsByType, getAnnotationTypePriority, getLocation, getOverview, getRulerStyle, getView, getWidestAnnotation, isAnnotationTypeVisible, removeAnnotationType, setAnnotationModel, setMultiAnnotation, setMultiAnnotationOverlay, setView
Events borrowed from class orion.textview.Ruler:
onClick, onDblClick, onMouseMove, onMouseOut, onMouseOver
Class Detail
orion.textview.OverviewRuler(annotationModel, rulerLocation, rulerStyle)
Constructs a new overview ruler.

The overview ruler is used in conjunction with a AnnotationRuler, for each annotation in the AnnotationRuler this ruler displays a mark in the overview. Clicking on the mark causes the view to scroll to the annotated line.

{orion.textview.AnnotationModel} annotationModel
the annotation model for the ruler.
{String} rulerLocation Optional, Default: "left"
the location for the ruler.
{orion.textview.Style} rulerStyle Optional, Default: undefined
the style for the ruler.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Jan 23 2013 22:37:25 GMT-0500 (EST)