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This screen (Figure 1.21) will help you to configure your computer's sound. The installer will automatically attempt to identify your sound card. If successful, the name of the card will be displayed at the top of the screen. Further down the screen are one or two buttons: TEST DIGITAL SOUND and (possibly) TEST MIDI PLAYBACK. If your sound card has been detected, you can click on these buttons to hear a sample sound played through it. Make sure your speakers are plugged in, and any external volume control is set to an appropriate level. Note that the TEST MIDI PLAYBACK button will only appear if your sound card includes this feature, and has been correctly configured. Some sound cards do not support MIDI playback. At the bottom of the page are slide bars that you can use to adjust the volume and balance of your speakers.

Figure 1.21: Sound card installation

If the test button is disabled, your sound card has not been correctly identified. Click on the MANUAL SETUP button. This will bring up a dialog box where you can enter your card's settings. Choose your sound card type from the pull-down menu. The remaining options allow you to specify how the card interacts with your other hardware. Select your card's I/O port and IRQ and DMA settings. Click OK to accept the new settings and go back to the main sound card installation screen. If your card is correctly configured, you should now be able to play sound samples as above.

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