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Configuring a Printer

This screen (Figure 1.22) allows you to set up a printer to use with your SOT Linux 2003 system. If you have no printer, or do not wish to configure it at this time, leave the pull-down menu set at NONE. Otherwise, select your printer model (driver) from the pull down menu. You'll also need to tell the installer where to find your printer. If your computer has its own printer attached, you should select LOCAL from the list. If you will be printing from a networked printer, you'll need to choose from one of the three network options.

Figure 1.22: Configuring a Printer

After you've selected a printer type, the bottom half of the screen will ask for further details. The information you need to fill in here depends on the printer type you have chosen. The available printer types and the information you will need to supply for each are:

If you are unsure of any network-related information, your network administrator should be able to help.

To check your settings are correct, you can try to print a test page when you've finished entering the relevant information. Click the PRINT TEST PAGE button, and the installer will attempt to print a sample page. If the page prints successfully, you've configured your printer and can proceed with the next installation step! If the page prints irregularly, or you'd like to customize your printer, try clicking on the ADDITIONAL... button. A dialogue box will appear, allowing you to modify further printer settings. You can change:

Finally, if your printed lines come out looking a bit like a descending staircase, check the FIX STAIR-STEPPING OF TEXT box to correct the problem. Once you've finished modifying these settings, you can click OK to return to the main printer configuration screen and print another test page.

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