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Installing from Windows

If you have Microsoft's Windows operating system installed on your machine, you can save yourself a lot of effort by using the SOT Windows Migration Tool. This program runs under Windows and examines your computer's hardware settings. The settings it finds will be chosen automatically in the installation of SOT Linux. What could be easier? If you don't have Windows installed, you can install SOT Linux directly-skip to Section 1.3.

Starting the Windows Migration Tool

To run the installer from Windows, close down any other programs you may have running and place your SOT Linux Installation CD in your CD-ROM drive. The program will start automatically.

Windows Migration Tool Installation Screen

Figure 1.1: Windows Migration Tool

The installation screen is shown in Figure 1.1. Click on the INSTALL SOT LINUX button to begin the installation process. The Migration Tool will check your hardware configuration (this should only take a few seconds), and then shut down Windows. The computer will then begin to run the main installation program. You should consult the next Section( 1.3) for a description of the steps involved.

The settings discovered by the Migration Tool will be offered as default options during the main installation process.

The installer will also place a SOT Linux icon on your Windows desktop. After SOT Linux has been installed, double-clicking this icon will close Windows and start SOT Linux without having to reboot your machine.

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