Next: Regional Settings - where are you? Up: Installation Previous: Installing from Windows   Contents   Index

Starting the Graphical Installation

This section will guide you through using the graphical SOT Linux 2003 Installer.

To begin your graphical SOT Linux 2003 installation, you'll need to set up your computer's BIOS so that the machine boots from the CD-ROM drive. Consult your computer manual. If your computer is fairly old, it may not support booting from the CD-ROM. In this case you'll need to create a boot diskette. See Section 1.19.1.

If you have the Windows operating system installed on your machine, you can use SOT's Windows Migration Tool, to begin your installation. See Section 1.2.

Otherwise, just put the SOT Linux 2003 Installation CD in your CD-ROM drive and reboot your machine. From the boot menu, select INSTALL SOT LINUX and press ENTER. If you have problems with the display, reboot and choose INSTALL SOT LINUX 2003, SAFE MODE instead. Safe mode starts the installer in a "bare bones" mode that should be compatible with most hardware configurations. When the installer has loaded, a map of the world will appear, similar to the one in Figure 1.2. This is the regional settings screen. You'll use this screen to tell the SOT Linux Installer which is your preferred language, and where you are in the world.

Next: Regional Settings - where are you? Up: Installation Previous: Installing from Windows   Contents   Index
