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Regional Settings - where are you?

Figure 1.2: Selecting your Region

Click on the location of your country in the world-map, or alternatively choose your location from a list by clicking on the box underneath. This will determine your timezone settings as well as the default language and keyboard settings. The default language for your region appears highlighted in the panel on the right-hand side of the screen. If you'd prefer to use a different language with SOT Linux, just click on the name of any other language in the list.

You may also choose to set the computer's hardware clock to run in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time--also called UCT, Coordinated Universal Time) by activating the checkbox on this screen. The battery-powered hardware clock is used (together with the timezone setting) to set the computer's system clock during reboot. If SOT Linux is the computer's only operating system, the GMT option is advised, as it allows SOT Linux to automatically correct for daylight savings time. If SOT Linux shares the computer with other operating systems, you will need to ensure that all use the same time mode.

If at this stage you wish to abort your SOT Linux 2003 installation, you may click on the round button. Otherwise, click > to continue.

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