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Finishing the Installation

When all the stages in the icon ring have been completed, you have done your part of the SOT Linux 2003 installation. From here on you should sit back and relax while the installer continues to copy files to your hard drive. You may like to read through the online version of this manual while you wait.

When the installer has finished copying packages to your hard drive, it will inform you with a dialog box. If you have completed all the installation screens you will be given the opportunity to finish the installation at this time. If you are still working on the installation screens, or choose not to finish the installation right away, the installer will add a small round button at the lower right of your screen. When you are ready, click on this button to complete the installation. The installer will continue with its final installation tasks (this may take a couple of minutes). Before you reboot your machine, you will be asked if you would like to create a custom boot disk.

Making a boot diskette

A boot diskette can be a life saver. If some other program ever over-writes the GRUB bootloader, you will have no way to boot into SOT Linux. This means all your GNU/Linux files and programs will be inaccessible! To ensure against such a disaster, take the opportunity to make a boot diskette now. Right now! The boot diskette can be used as a key to get you back into SOT Linux. Once you're in, you can reconfigure GRUB. Without a boot disk to get you back in the door, you're in serious trouble... To create your boot disk, have a blank floppy disk ready and choose YES. The installer will create the boot disk (this may take a few moments). When the installer indicates that the boot disk has been completed, remove it from your drive, write "SOT Linux 2003 Boot Disk" on the label and store it in a safe place.


When the system reboots after installation, you'll see the GRUB bootloader. Choose one of the SOT Linux boot options (SOT LINUX GRAPHICAL MODE is highly recommended) and press ENTER to start SOT Linux. During the first boot after installation, the system will perform a number of post-installation procedures as it familiarizes itself with your hardware. These procedures are automatic, but may take up to several minutes to complete- be patient. In graphical mode, a juggling penguin is displayed during this time. When your hardware has been properly configured the SOT Linux login prompt is displayed.

First login

Enter the username and password chosen during installation to log into your account.

In graphical mode, the KDE desktop will appear. At your first graphical login, you'll be presented with a series of screens allowing you to customize your desktop environment. This is the KDE configuration wizard. Select your desired options from the choices available and click the NEXT> buttons to move forward through the wizard.

Country and Language

The default country and language settings are chosen from the the information entered in the Regional Settings screen of the installer (section 1.4). To change these, click on the combo boxes and select an entry the the list of countries and/or languages.

System behavior

Your choice here determines how the desktop items respond to manipulation by the mouse. This affects how desktop icons are activated (double-click or a single-click), and the method used to focus windows among other things. Four standard behaviors are available: KDE, Unix, Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS. Choose a behavior you are comfortable with.

Eye candy

This screen lets you decide how flashy your desktop will appear. Moving the sliding gadget to the right (more effects) will provide a more stylish, sophisticated desktop with complex shaded icons, animated panel and other interesting effects. This complexity requires a fast processor, so if you have an older, slower computer move the sliding gadget to the left (fewer effects). This will turn off the "bells and whistles", giving you a basic, functional desktop and saving on processing power.


Themes provide the desktop and windows with a different color and appearance. You may like to experiment to find out which of the available preset themes you prefer.


This setting determines the number of nature of the buttons that appear on the desktop's Panel. We recommend the SOT default setting.


Congratulations, installation is complete! Remove the installation CD and click OK to reboot your computer. You have successfully installed SOT Linux.

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